Culture Cloth
An interactive installation using generative AI to paint the walls around you.
As an Experiment with generative AI’s for interactive experiences, Culture Cloth explores the idea of walls that mimic your clothing in delightfully imperfect ways. People’s clothing can mark changes in mood, weather, style, seasons, occasions, and important events. In this way, a physical space is colored by the collective clothing choices of its inhabitants.
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As you walk up to the animated cloth, a camera records an image of your shirt which becomes the seed image for AI to generate a seamless pattern.

The resulting art gets revealed in front of you as a dynamic cloth that reacts to your movements.
As a studio we are always exploring ideas that transform public spaces in interesting ways. How can they evolve visually over time reflecting the unique culture of its unique inhabitants.

- Zander Brimijoin - Creative Director
- Daniel Scheibel - Technology Director
- Lisa Walters - Executive Producer
- Erin Stowell - Sr Producer
- Greg Schomburg - Lead Developer
- Mingxi Xu - Developer
- Jiwon Ham - Senior Designer